Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Late Update: Post Auditory Fiasco

I feel like laughing really hard and never taking anything seriously again.

that being said, I want to grow a beard so I can look like Grizzly Adams's'es yuppie nephew or something.

that being said, some people would think that me punching a hole in my left eardrum is an act of God, because my older brother was born with an underdeveloped right ear. Just a little bit of it is there. He can still hear out of it, just not well...which is a lot like the sitch with my left one. I'm living in his world right now, just...the other side of it.

If he stood on my left side we'd be a motha-effin' hearing MACHINE.

anyways, I don't think it's an act of the big G, but I can see how some people would think that.

If things get too ironic, point to God. Is that the idea?

My big problem with faith is just that...the faith. Some people would say 'oh thank God your right ear is okay' but I say no. I won't thank anybody for blowing up my hearing. Pessimism? maybe. Narcissism? aw, I wouldn't go that far, John Wayne(but first you gon' have to eat the peanuts out of my sheeit...was that John Wayne or Clint Eastwood?).

The point to all of this...however misconstrued and completely avoided it was...is that you scare me, organized religion. Stories about a Jewish carpenter claiming he was the son of God and a woman claiming immaculate birth? Jesus(damn!). That's the basis eh? I think it's totally insane and the very idea of people modeling their entire lives around this frightens me.

At the same time I love people for the purblind loyalty involved. Incredible(it's almost the same word in Spanish, but heck if it sounds the same).

and that's exactly what I envision 'saved' people as. A blind person being led along by a mischievous little boy with a not-quite trustworthy glint in his eyes. Sure, the olfactory is cranked and the audio is too, but you can't smell an intersection or hear that approaching stop sign...

Maybe I'm a little too suspicious at times.

Sometimes I feel like a bystander in my own head.

So where's the meat, you say?

Things happen for some reason. Every cause has an effect and vice versa. It looks like this:

a life of conscious risk-taking was bound to leave me SOMEWHERE like this SOMEDAY.

Trying to flip around two and a half times in the air is a pretty dangerous way to test if gravity is still real. Maybe eventually people will instill enough esteem in the expression 'eh, win some lose some.' I happened to lose one.

If we were created by some entity, a 'God' if you would, I would rather It be called 'Oh Mighty Myopic God!' because t'hell if anybody saw HUMANS coming.

haha. Myopic God. Let's keep that one.

Sometimes I entertain the idea that maybe the world is like a science experiment gone all crazy and awry(a little redundancy here and there keeps the doctor away), so this 'God' went 'oh, shit!' and ran out of the room. Something like 'eventual' Deism is the goings-on of this thought.

What comes out if I continue down this train is where did He GO? Pulled up a rock for some prime time entertainment? To go get Mom and Dad so the house doesn't burn down? Where?

that brings out far too many questions, so I usually fall asleep there or go get some crackers, because poops and giggles if I've got the answers(that expression is WEAK).

yes, I AM usually this much of an exercise in agnosticism(what a fun premise...people say 'yes' and I get to say 'I doubt it' and people say no and I get to say 'I doubt it' to them too!).

We have arrived back at redundancy, friends. It seems to always be a round trip to that when we talk about jee-oh-dee.

I think Mr. Jack Johnson said it best when he sang,

"And there were so many fewer questions/When stars were still just the holes to heaven"

Let's go back, Mr. Jack.

Let's go back and woo us some hoop dress women YAHHHHHHHHWHEEE!!!!!!


Saturday, August 19, 2006

things I said a lot yesterday.

I tried to do a 2 1/2 off of a diving board t'other day and landed almost entirely on the left side of my face, blowing a hole in my eardrum.

if you haven't heard.

sawbones says it should heal on its own...so don't worry. People ask me why I'm not freaking out and well...I don't know...what good would that do? I'd just end up with a bunch of broken stuff.

I had to explain the ball of cotton in my ear about thirteen thousand times last night, due to Lauren's friends.

funny yellow/pink stuff comes out sometimes.

just thought I'd make an exit.

Monday, August 14, 2006


we (Mobilejones) play our first show. I can't wait to be on stage again...if you've never been...write something and come play music with us. I don't care if you suck like sand between my toes.

if I saw the sun fall down I'd pick it up and make a crown
one that was a perfect fit for you

is what just came out of my speakers. the peppers make my brain happy.

is it weird to be in someone else's house and not know where he is? no? good.

I keep wanting to greet someone with 'hey sweet thang, how you doin'?'

I have the right person, just not the right situation.


Friday, August 11, 2006

if I was the wiser of the two.

We are not but powder
the skin of my brother
We dissolve in the ocean
We give it color
We are not but reflections
or so it may shriek
magicians break locks
on our Caesar's dreams

We are not but powder
elasticized form
We fear what We see
We shake to the core
God's gift to Himself
leads us to the shore
but reflections We are
and not much more

yeah...I write poetry too. Try and guess what it means...I just told Grace that I enjoy poems because they mean as many things as there are people in the world.

I like saying the second stanza out loud like the star of some B movie narrating his exit.

you think this could be a poem that T.M. writes? I do.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I like that one. let's keep that one.

"Story of my life," the albino latino muttered and ducked inside, leaving the colors of the blossoms on the trees to envy themselves.

this might be my favorite sentence so far. I'm not at liberty to say what the story of his life is, but I thought I'd share a little.

it's four in the morning?
